Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We had such a great time in Miami with Aunt Eileen. Took Mom a bit to put the pictures up, because I have a new role at work that is keeping me more than a little busy. But better late than never...
In trying to keep the sun off Lucas, he got to experience he's softer side, but what a nice photo?
Lucas loved trying to learn to swim...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our Little Man....

hats off to yah!!

boy's best friend...

me & pop going to the beach....
me & my girl, emma

at the beach...

momma & boy

hang ten... my first surf

never too young for a little boggie

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Little Athlete

Lucas wakes up around 6:15 am every morning, and by 7am everyday he he asked about a ball in someway shape or form... If he could go outside at 6:16am, he would... But I have to say that he does have game!! Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, even football (although, he is not so good at this one, I think he's more rugby than football). Anyway here are some recent ballin' shots and even a movie!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring is here...

Running after the little man, makes it hard for picture taking, and picturing uploading almost impossible... but it's worth the wait. this little man is just too cute!! (Says the proud Mama!)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dinner Time

Dinner has become a whole new adventure in its own. Lucas must feed himself, and he has become quite good with a spoon, and even a fork now... but it's still a very messy process.

My buddies

Julie and the boys came for a sleep over a couple weeks back, and how much fun it was to watch them play. Lucas seemed so much older, as he keep up with the big boys... Wanting to do whatever it was that they did. So cute. I got my first real nudge of "Oh, no! He's going to grow up so fast." So amazing to watch him as he learns, copying actions, studying to action, and even trying to mimic new words.