Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dinner Time

Dinner has become a whole new adventure in its own. Lucas must feed himself, and he has become quite good with a spoon, and even a fork now... but it's still a very messy process.

My buddies

Julie and the boys came for a sleep over a couple weeks back, and how much fun it was to watch them play. Lucas seemed so much older, as he keep up with the big boys... Wanting to do whatever it was that they did. So cute. I got my first real nudge of "Oh, no! He's going to grow up so fast." So amazing to watch him as he learns, copying actions, studying to action, and even trying to mimic new words.

The lost months

ok, so we haven't been so great about blogging since Christmas, and that's because we've been chasing around Lucas!! Talk about active. This little man keeps us on our toes if there is a step, table, chair, or even dog to climb on... he is there. if there is a cabinet, shelf, basket or hidden spot, he's crawling in it. As I type, he is crawling up to the kitchen table to sit on a chair at the table like a "big boy". Priceless. Here are some of his snow pictures. I will post more blogs shortly, as I am committed to doing it this week.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Our Little Superman

The Crime Fighter and his trusty dog! Able to scale tall counters in a single bound!!